
Latest video-book preview from Marko & Lea’s wedding.



Fresh, summer inspired sailing poster.



Tako, projekt, ki se je začel dobri dve leti nazaj med mojim študijem na Portugalskem – Sodobni slovenski projekt, smo prejšnji torek, v Galeriji Vžigalica, zaključili. Zaključek smo obeležili z okroglo mizo (gostje Uroš Abram, Jasna Jernejšek, Jože Suhadolnik, Peter Koštrun ter Jan Babnik) na temo portreta v Sloveniji ter z dražbo del z razstave. Obisk in odziv je bil nadpovprečen in na tej točki bi se rad zahvalil vsem, ki so kakorkoli pomagali pri projektu, sponzorjem, ki so zadevo sploh omogočili ter seveda Nike, brez katere tega projekta sploh ne bi bilo. Kakorkoli, če bo šlo vse po sreči, se v kratkem vračamo z novim fotografskim projektom v malo večjem obsegu, tako da stay tuned!






Me and my brother have finally launched a project that was planned for a long time. Since there is more and more smokers changing to rolled tobacco, we felt there is a a need for a better product to help you get rid of the smoking accessory clutter in your pockets. After a few prototypes we finally settled for 5 color schemes + limited editions every now and then. All the bags are made locally by hand and therefor each and every one is unique. If you are interested in the product, take a look at our FACEBOOK site (webshop coming up soon!).


This is the first part of the project I started to do in Lisbon, because I was quite shocked how many homeless people live and sleep on the streets of Lisbon. The statistics are unsure, but its estimated that there are several hundred or maybe more living on the main streets and the numbers are rising and that is result of the crisis, which made a major impact in Portugal. The first 25 pictures were made for the final project in the class of Fotografia e Reportagem, mentored by Luisa Ferreira, and I am continuing the project until I will stay here. I tried not to confront them and I avoid taking pictures up-close, because I want to show them in the context, to show the place they sleep, which can sometimes be just a step in front of a hotel, a small space in front of a store and sometimes you walk past them and don’t even realize they are hidden in the shadows.


 Check out more images in the portfolio section.


Majhna, preprosta in intimna poroka Tomaža in Sabine v Novem mestu.
Par fotografij spodaj, priporočam pa tudi ogled poročne knjige!
Foto & dizajn: Jaka Šuln, asistent Jan Rifelj.

jakasuln-6789 jakasuln-6836 jakasuln-6932 jakasuln-7069 jakasuln-7335 jakasuln-7466jakasuln-7420

jakasuln-7530 jakasuln-7536 jakasuln-0079 jakasuln-7941 jakasuln-0234 jakasuln-8088


Ena iz kratkega sešna z novomeškim bendom Dan D.




You finish a roll, you do the next one and so on … You keep piling them up, and if you are like me, you manage to develop (and scan!) it around a year later. Lots of memories come back from the film rolls on which you already forgot what is on them. So these are a few portrait shots from the Yashica Mat 124G (damn, i keep forgetting how cool medium format is!), mostly from Lisbon. I will post some more film shots briefly, enjoy!



I went for a quick walk with Sara a few days ago and we managed to get some nice portraits out of it, i’m really happy with the results!



Calcada de Santana

This was a afternoon project done a few days ago on the street in Lisbon where I used to live. Its a small, steepy road that mainly has lots of small restaurants (tascas) and smaller shops on it. I was passing the street almost every day, but I never set foot on some of the small, privately owned  shops, butcheries, hair saloons – that made me curious. Although its situated close to the center, in the upper part of Rossio, it is still quite hidden and diverse in terms of cultures of people that live there. Some are there for a long time; thats what makes some of the places really unique and personalized and they probably also didn’t change a lot over the years, so it was an opportunity for me aswell to explore a bit.

Calcada de Santana

So, I went into almost all of them and had a quick chat with the owners; I asked them for their name and how long they already have their businesses on that street and I usually had a quick chat with them (funny, usually when I mention that I am from Slovenia, they just say – “Zaovic!”. They are regarding to the Slovenian football player Zahovič, who played for Benfica several years ago and thats also sometimes the only reference they have on Slovenia 🙂 ) and I would take 2 or three portraits of them.

Surprisingly I managed to get more than 15 in about an afternoon. At first, I was not expecting the people to be so open for portraits, but maybe the fact that I managed to learn enough of portuguese language for a normal chat makes the whole difference. Up until now, I didn’t have chances like this. All in all, an afternoon well spent, with some nice portraits in the end!

Enrique has a small department store with everything for 45 years already.

Enrique has a small department store with pretty much everything for 45 years already.